Trends in Sculpture

At Lump we are often asked what the current trends in sculpture are. And more often than not I find the trends lean toward locally designed and made pieces.

People want now more than ever to know that their pieces are original designs and are made locally by the people that designed them. I think this helps with the connection to the piece, familiarity and to feel you are of the same place. And it’s also is a great point of conversation if you were able to meet the artist and see the piece during its creation process.

The trend for sourcing locally made items has been focused for some time across many disciplines and if I had to choose the fist industry I really saw the trend arrive I would say I first noticed it in the food industry. So it is with great satisfaction that I can see this trend filter through to the sculpture and decorative pieces we make at Lump.

There seems to be a communal awareness and an underlying social obligation to help our local community remain employed across all disciplines. And at Lump we know that a combined knowledge bank from a variety of disciplines is invaluable and necessary to keep the cogs of the creative powerhouse turning, stimulated and with a high level of moral.

Trends ultimately arrive as a result of what the majority of people want and desire for themselves. But from our experience at Lump we can see that sometimes the trend reflects much more than what you initially notice on the surface.

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