Terry Napier – Wildlife & Botanical Artist

While flicking through the November Issue of the Art Almanac Chris came across an ad for an upcoming exhibition titled “The Art of Botanical Illustration”. What struck Chris most about the ad was the familiarity of the beautiful painting it featured.  Iris ‘Pass the wine’ by Terry Napier. Why you ask? You see, I grew up living next door to Terry Napier. And I was lucky enough to spend a fair few hours in his studio watching him paint. He is not only one of Australia’s leading Wildlife and Botanical Artists but he is also a great teacher.  And for me, he has been a great source of advice, inspiration and encouragement through every art class that I took as a young hopeful wanna be artist. Chris and I are lucky enough to have two of Mr Napier’s paintings hanging on our wall and I am without a doubt that his attention to detail and passion for botanical art has rubbed off on us both.

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