3 questions at Christmas 2014 – part 1

Here we are again, wrapping up another year right in the middle of the Christmas crazy phase. And as much as we love the frenzy I think the three things that keep us all going are the anticipation of that long awaited break, the mouth watering potential of the meal we might share on the big day and the opportunity to gift and share something special.

Chris Herman put together a short questionnaire to gather a little insight into what the Lumpians are getting up to over the Christmas break. For the next two weeks on the Lump blog we are slowing down just a little to enjoy some sentiMETAL moments from our crew. Welcome to our very merry Lump Christmas.

What are you most looking forward to about the Christmas break and what are you getting up to?
Heading up to Cairns, swimming under a waterfall, eating mangoes straight from the tree.

What is one family tradition that you have for this time of year?
Our family does a seafood feast with reef fish, prawns, crab, crocodile, you name it…can’t wait.

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you have ever been gifted? 
Sonic the Hedgehog, Best game ever.

What are you most looking forward to about the Christmas break and what are you getting up to?
We are having my partner’s family for “Christmas on Boxing Day”, this year. Other than the obligatory festive cheer, it will be a quiet break; and I’m really looking forward to not hearing a squealing router for a few weeks.

What is one family tradition that you have for this time of year? 
Our most cherished family tradition is champagne before breakfast. A most loved and looked forward to event.

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you have ever been gifted? 
Still my most memorable Christmas gift was my first guitar. I got it when I was 13 and still have it on a stand at home in Queensland

What are you most looking forward to about the Christmas break and what are you getting up to?
I generally head north to hang out with my family for Christmas, via a road trip from Newcastle to port mac with my brother. Lots of beach time, and general eating with festive vigor.

What is one family tradition that you have for this time of year? 
We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and leave Christmas Day purely for hangovers and beach swimming. There is also an annual meatloaf ‘Bat out of hell’ album sing off competition that mums neighbors must hate. It ends in competitors yelling over the top of one another as loud as possible and generally kicks off around 2 or 3am.

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you have ever been gifted? 
One year I welcomed a puppy AND a cubby house into my little 6 year old life, it was epic. I
thought my life was definitely better than everyone else’s.

What are you most looking forward to about the Christmas break and what are you getting up to? 
For the Christmas break I’m going to be heading to my parents farm in Birregurra. I’m looking forward to getting out of the city, spending time with friends and family and mostly just relaxing.

What is one family tradition that you have for this time of year?
As a family we always get together for Christmas day and eat fresh seafood. It’s one of the only times my family all get together each year so mum likes to take the opportunity to get a family photo. Despite my family not being very big, it still takes us about 10 goes to get a decent one.

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you have ever been gifted? 
The most memorable Christmas gift I’ve ever received was when I was about 9 years old. My parents bought my brothers and I a Nintendo 64. Instead of just giving us the present, they wrapped up four rolls of toilet paper in its place before giving us the real present. We had made it pretty clear that a Nintendo was what we wanted for Christmas, so they wanted to keep it as a bit of a surprise for us. Fair to say we went through a roller coaster of emotions.

What are you most looking forward to about the Christmas break and what are you getting up to? Christmas for me usually means driving around to all the family festivities and filling up on all the delicious Vietnamese food my families has to share!

What is one family tradition that you have for this time of year? 
Traditionally, the younger cousins will gather and practice for a Christmas Carol before opening presents. It just gets everyone laughing and in the Christmas spirit!

What is your most memorable Christmas gift you have ever been gifted? 
I remember one Christmas I asked Santa for a White Horse that I could call my own. That Christmas, Santa delivered exactly what I asked for, but more suited to Barbie sized… I loved it nevertheless!

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