Spending more time at home than ever?

We know we are only at the beginning of what might be months of working and schooling from home and drive by birthdays.

And while this seems a little daunting it’s actually the perfect time to lock in the details of those custom-made pieces that will be the knockout feature of your home and landscape.

Custom made pieces take time, and at Lump we require at least 4 – 6 weeks to complete a piece from start to finish, sometimes longer if demand is high or the item is complicated. The Lump Showroom is closed for now, but our design team is still consulting online and can start designing something wonderful with you today.

We also know that the social distancing restrictions are temporary so let’s get to work, soon we will be opening our homes again to family and friends. And while we have time, lets get your knock out custom made pieces ready for your end of isolation house party.

The huge variety of designs, materials and finishes available at Lump Sculpture Studio can be overwhelming. So, where do you begin when it comes to knowing what’s right for your project?

Talk to us

We have installed sculptures in all kinds of spaces, and we have learnt to anticipate potential challenges and devise appropriate solutions ahead of time. The more we know, the better we can plan. Below is a short list of helpful things we encourage our clients to provide.

Photos; shoot through as many photos as possible, they don’t have to be works of art, just make sure they show as much detail about the site as possible.

Measurements; we don’t need exact measurements to provide an initial quote or talk through possibilities, basic or estimated measurements are fine to start, we can nut out the finer details later.

Drawings & Sketches; these don’t need to be professional, we can start working with you from a pencil sketch on a scrap of paper. If you have detailed plans feel free to shoot them through.

Information; any information you can provide to us prior to delivery and installation will make the process run as smooth as possible.

With years of expertise in the field of custom metal work, our skilled team will incorporate dedicated design elements that provide a decorative and interesting feature whilst also achieving a practical and successful outcome.

Connect with us #LumpSculpture

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